Mesa Banners

Details about the project!

September 10, 2024

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The banners were developed to energize Downtown Mesa’s streetscape and engage both locals and visitors. By emphasizing diverse attractions, they aim to enhance foot traffic and support community-driven growth. The final designs ensure a cohesive aesthetic while highlighting individual aspects of the downtown experience.

Azteca Graphics partnered with the Downtown Mesa Association to design a series of four banners that will be displayed along Center Street in Downtown Mesa. These banners showcase the vibrant aspects of the downtown experience, highlighting antiquing, brewing, food, and music. The goal was to capture the unique energy of Downtown Mesa and draw attention to its thriving cultural and social scene.

Recent task

Our most recent task involved designing four banners, each focused on a different theme: antiquing, brewing, food, and music.


Brand Awareness

Visual Storytelling


Visual Branding

Custom Illustration